
Who are Project 2025's international policy authors?

Some, er, “interesting” connections appear.

Yesterday I posted a short essay outlining what the notorious “Project 2025” document has to say about international policy. And I promised a video describing who the authors of the sections I used are, so here is that video.

And here are links to items mentioned in the video.

About Kiron Skinner:

Her online bio at the Hoover Institution: https://www.hoover.org/profiles/kiron-k-skinner

She was briefly at US Department of State, in the Office of Policy Planning, then moved to Carnegie Mellon University. The CMU student newspaper discusses the conditions under which she left both places: https://thetartan.org/2021/3/8/news/skinner

About Dustin Carmack:

He used to be at the Heritage Foundation, was chief of staff to Richard Grenell who was briefly acting director of the CIA, worked for the de Santis campaign, now works for Meta. His bio at Legistorm: https://www.legistorm.com/person/bio/148744/Dustin_J_Carmack.html

About Mora Namdar:

She is a lawyer and was a middle rank official at Department of State and US Agency for Global Media and VOA during Trump admin, before that worked for Occidental Petroleum. This article sets out the whistleblower complaints from her time at US Agency for Global Media, https://www.politico.com/news/2020/09/30/whistleblowers-allege-misconduct-agency-for-global-media-423758

About Max Primorac:

He is an interesting fellow, as suggested by his Heritage Foundation bio: https://www.heritage.org/staff/max-primorac. And he is frequently present in the media in Croatia. Here he is discussing mnogo štošta na HRT-u, https://vijesti.hrt.hr/svijet/istrazivac-zaklade-heritage-za-vrijeme-trumpa-svijet-je-bio-stabilniji-11636190, and here is an article about the popularity of Heritage and Project 2025 among the far right in Croatia: https://www.portalnovosti.com/projekt-srednji-vijek

His father Miško is remembered as a political activist in the diaspora, and he is especially credited with the idea that the legendary Feral Tribune labelled as “kosti u mikseru.” It’s all there in his obituary: https://www.vecernji.ba/vijesti/misko-primorac-je-prvi-pozvao-na-pomirbu-djece-ustasa-i-partizana-1065629. The “Kosti u mikseru” idea travels from Stepinac, to Luburić, by way of the Church to USA where it is gifted to HDZ: https://www.nacional.hr/nemiri-nesanice-alojzije-stepinac-je-puno-prije-franje-tudmana-iznio-cini-se-ideju-pomirbe-ustasa-i-partizana/

Finally, here is Max Primorac’s op-ed saying that a “German regime” ran Jasenovac: https://thehill.com/opinion/international/4837527-balkans-powder-keg/

Errata: at one point I got tongue tied, the movement I wanted to name was the “Hrvatski oslobodilački pokret” (HOP).