
The true enough story of ćevapčići

Sarajevo wants DOP protection for its style of ćevap, which is fine. But history shows that this much loved and typical regional dish is more international and more recent than we like to believe.

Here are links to items mentioned in the video:

The initiative to protect the unique Sarajevo ćevap — https://n1info.rs/region/sarajevski-cevap-zasticen-kao-brend-uskoro-zastita-somuna/

The legal fight over who has the rights to Sultanahmet köfte continues — https://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/legal-fight-continues-over-ownership-of-sultanahmet-kofte-despite-ruling-105613

Branislav Nušić’s (probably not entirely accurate) memories of kafane past — https://www.lektire.me/prepricano/branislav-nusic-beogradske-kafane_814

Jurica Pavičić’s review of Brotherhood and unity at the kitchen table, including a summary of the Bronzas’ intensive ćevap research — https://www.jutarnji.hr/dobrahrana/price/pise-jurica-pavicic-cevapi-nemaju-veze-s-bosnom-i-jos-nekoliko-razotkrivajucih-istina-o-socijalistickoj-gastronomiji-10091302

The Italian chef who invented banjalučki ćevap (the famous Mujo was his assistant) — https://www.balcanicaucaso.org/bhs/zone/Bosna-i-Hercegovina/Cevap-majstor-iz-Trentina-207581

Don’t mess with Kirk Douglas (NB: I’ll bet “Mate” doesn’t exist) — http://www.yugopapir.com/2018/02/najveca-bruka-olimpijskih-igara-u.html?utm_source=Klix.ba&utm_medium=Clanak

Bonus link: a terrible German song about ćevapčići. It is really intolerably awful, don’t say I didn’t warn you —

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