
President Harris's foreign policy

She hasn't got the experience or interest that Biden came in with, but her values and priorities suggest she could be open to some good ideas.

I’m predicting that Kamala Harris will probably be elected the next president of the United States (like any prediction this could be right or wrong, so in November please feel free to congratulate me for being right or ridicule me for being wrong).

What can we expect from her foreign policy? We do not have a lot of signs to go by, but we can be guided by a few main ideas: 1) US foreign policy does not change a lot with changes of administration, 2) Biden has been mostly all right but has been held back by basic understandings that belong to an earlier time, 3) Harris’s ideas on crime and social welfare suggest that she could be open to ideas around human security to a greater degree than presidents have been so far, 4) Harris’s international background gives her an understanding of embeddedness in the world that many other politicians lack, while her path to power gives her a strong motivation to be committed to democracy. But, 5) she has generally been cautious and averse to risk.

On balance, there is room to be hopeful for some good changes. But if it happens, it will happen slowly.

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